We'd like to invite you to the Islander Way Circle. It is a moderated online community space where we can suggest ideas, discuss and share inspiration and get actively involved in creating business and community ideas for the future of the island.
It works in a similar way to Facebook, but it's moderated by the Islander Way team, and is safe and respectful.
Just email us and ask for an invitation link. It's quick and easy and then you can see what is going on and share your ideas.
By joining you agree to the terms and conditions and to be respectful at all times.

The aim of the community engagement is to:
1. Explore and interpret what regenerative tourism means for Flinders Island.
​2. Establish, through a co-design process, the values and aspirations of the community with respect to tourism, and take steps to develop a framework and an institutional space that recognises these community aspirations.
3. Identify and incubate initiatives that will help to contribute appropriate visitor experiences and business opportunities consistent with regenerative tourism.
Through this community engagement opportunities will be provided to speak, listen, learn, reflect, test ideas and lean into the future. A diverse and inclusive view of community is adopted, and there is no pre-set agenda or metrics.
This is a rare and highly experimental approach to discovering the future of tourism. The project team at Designing Tourism and the Flinders Council are very grateful for the opportunity to design the future of tourism free of existing institutional influences, metrics and expectations. The flexibility and creative licence provided by funding partners are gratefully acknowledged.

Our approach to community engagement is inclusive and is not limited to key stakeholders. It includes different opportunities to engage face-to-face and virtually. The vision, the change that you would like to see, and how we measure success, will be constructed together, which is why we seek to engage from the beginning to the end of the project.

Our responsibility is to listen with an open mind and heart. We will facilitate open conversations and collaborative activities. We want to build a relationship with tourism that is consistent with the community's vision and values. We will provide advice and assistance to build regenerative tourism initiatives and actions that are co-designed with and for the community.

The community's responsibility is to participate in this project with an open heart and mind. Flinders Island needs you, as stewards of this extraordinary untamed Island, to engage in this project in constructive and creative ways. The right to engage, to share hopes, dreams, and to co-design the future is an opportunity. The future of tourism depends on your level of interest and ownership over the project.
We recognise that people need a time and place to engage. Not everyone is ready to engage in the same way at the same time. That is why we are offering a range of opportunities to get involved, and because its a two-year project, there will be different opportunities that emerge over the course of the project.
Different opportunities to engage will include:
This project website
Online community survey
Small group discussions
Interviews and coffee chats
Regular monthly newsletter
Co-design workshops
Business accelerator program

Sending a postcard always used to be an intentional moment to share with our loved ones the places that we feel in love with. In this project, we want to restore that moment by asking you to spend a moment sharing why you fell in love with Flinders Island.
We have distributed postcards all around the Island, you can pick them up and drop them off at Walkers, Bowman's General Store and the Lady Barron Store.
Or you can head to our postcard page and fill them out online.
There are two ways to return your postcards:
Drop off your postcards at Council, Walkers, Bowman's Store, and the Airport.
Take a photo of the reverse side of the card then use the QR code to send your photo as a message.